
Latest Episode
Episode #240: The Gift of Self-Care

Episode #240: The Gift of Self-Care

Episode 240 · · 03:36

I challenge you to give yourself the gift of self-care.

Episode #239: 27

Episode #239: 27

Episode 239 · · 06:30

I cast my vision for my 27th year.

Episode #238: We've Got This

Episode #238: We've Got This

Episode 238 · · 03:18

The mantra that sums up my 26th year, "We've got this."

Episode 237: 26

Episode 237: 26

Episode 237 · · 05:12

I share what I learned, what I unlearned, and how I grew In my 26th year.

Episode #236: Practice Preparedness

Episode #236: Practice Preparedness

Episode 236 · · 04:27

Scar said it best, "Be prepared."

Episode #235: Pilot

Episode #235: Pilot

Episode 235 · · 03:04

I challenge you to get off autopilot.

Episode #234: Doing It Right with Ariel Upton

Episode #234: Doing It Right with Ariel Upton

Episode 234 · · 06:59

I speak with Ariel Upton, co-founder of Today I Did It Right, with Ariel Upton.

Episode #233: Choose Compassion

Episode #233: Choose Compassion

Episode 233 · · 03:57

I'm extending compassion to myself and to others.

Episode #232: Unlearning Compartmentalization

Episode #232: Unlearning Compartmentalization

Episode 231 · · 04:48

I'm unlearning compartmentalization.

Episode #231: Switch It Up

Episode #231: Switch It Up

Episode 231 · · 03:23

I encourage you to change up your routine.

Episode #230: Map It Out

Episode #230: Map It Out

Episode 230 · · 06:22

I challenge you to map out what's next.

Episode #229: Email Magic

Episode #229: Email Magic

Episode 229 · · 08:07

I share some off the email magic that's been working for me lately.

Episode #228: Feel it

Episode #228: Feel it

Episode 228 · · 04:25

Feel your feelings.

Episode #227: Counting yourself out

Episode #227: Counting yourself out

Episode 227 · · 04:42

It's easy to want to count yourself out. Don't do it.

Episode #226: Small Doses

Episode #226: Small Doses

Episode 226 · · 04:47

I encourage you to take small doses.

Episode #225: Ideal Day

Episode #225: Ideal Day

Episode 225 · · 04:20

I challenge you to imagine your ideal day.

Episode #224: Is it worth it?

Episode #224: Is it worth it?

Episode 224 · · 05:47

Is it worth it? Here's how you mind find out.

Episode #223: Focus

Episode #223: Focus

Episode 223 · · 05:38

I'm building the skill of focus.

Episode #222: Mo' Problems

Episode #222: Mo' Problems

Episode 222 · · 05:21

I'm revisiting my thoughts around business problems.

Episode #221: Stop complaining

Episode #221: Stop complaining

Episode 221 · · 03:38

I invite you to practice not complaining.

Episode #220: Get a differing opinion

Episode #220: Get a differing opinion

Episode 220 · · 03:43

I challenge you to seek out a differing opinion.

Episode #219: Flipd Off

Episode #219: Flipd Off

Episode 219 · · 04:52

I share an app that's helping me achieve digital wellness.

Episode #218: You have time

Episode #218: You have time

Episode 218 · · 04:50

Slow your roll.

Episode #217: Laughter in the lessons

Episode #217: Laughter in the lessons

Episode 217 · · 05:56

I'm learning to find laughter in the lessons.

Episode #216: Make a statement

Episode #216: Make a statement

Episode 216 · · 04:20

Make statements instead of asking questions.

Episode #215: Help a sister out

Episode #215: Help a sister out

Episode 215 · · 03:06

Tell me what you want Be School to look like by taking a survey.

Episode #214: What is inner work?

Episode #214: What is inner work?

Episode 214 · · 05:41

I answer the question, "What is inner work?"

Episode #213: Keep Going

Episode #213: Keep Going

Episode 213 · · 03:46

I remind you to keep going.

Episode #212: New Patterns

Episode #212: New Patterns

Episode 212 · · 04:49

I can tell that I'm growing because I'm creating new patterns.

Episode #211: First Thought

Episode #211: First Thought

Episode 211 · · 03:51

What's your first thought of the day?